Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Finding Out My Country

As I said in a earlier post, you wait a really long time for your country placement. We made our choices and then were informed  that we will find out when the other countries contact our exchange officer, meaning that we could be informed as soon as the end of the month to April or May! This really tests your patience,  trust me. It drove me crazy not knowing where I would be living during the summer let alone even my exchange student's name! Finally it came.
      I received an email on March 2nd, late at night, right after I got home from a long weekend at a cavy show. It said a possible match to Argentina! My first choice!  I freaked out and pretty much informed my whole family (which kind of freaked out my mom as I ran extremely quickly down the stairs and slightly made it sound like something was wrong). Her name was Florencia and she was only a few months older than me, I quickly read over her application and realized how awesome she was and how we were practically perfect exchange matches! The next morning she contacted me and we have been talking ever since.  I'm so excited to go and for her to come!
   I will be living in Necochea in the Buenos Aires province of Argentina,  which is about 6 hours from the capital! Another girl from my club is also going to Argentina and in the same district so I will also most likely be able to see her as well as a past exchange student who came to our club last winter!
      I will be leaving on June 18th and have over 7000 miles to travel! So yes, a 3ish hour flight to Texas,  a 5 hour layover,  then about a 12 hour flight to Buenos Aires! I think the flying is the number one thing that making nervous because I have never traveled alone or even out of the country! But I'm sure all will be fine and it will be amazing because exchange is how you make it and I plan to make it more than amazing! But for now, I will have to worry about packing,  finishing my sophomore year, FFA elections, packing,  auction and banquet, my last dance competition, packing, national application for my agriscience experiment,  and did I mention packing? The count has started and each day that passes by brings a wave of excitement and anxiety but it's all good! Only 40 more days until departure!

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