Tuesday, May 5, 2015

My Decision and Why

   I'm not joking this was probably the hardest decision I have made this year and maybe even in my life (so far). With that I should just cut to chase: after much thought and consideration I have decided to go with ExCEL Abroad to Lithuania! This program will be in its first year so I will get to be a pioneer for it. Though it's not as established (yet) as cbyx, I'm okay with it and I'm excited to be a part of its first year and watch it grow from there. It's a bit more pressure than cbyx, as I will basically be setting the tone for this program (along with a couple other students who I have yet to meet) which is super cool. Both programs would have been cool and I'm glad I was fortunate enough to make that decision.

  My parents made this decision completely up to me which was good but it wasn't helpful in helping me make a decision. They told me they weren't going to influence any country or program more though I feel that one of them was but indirectly and when she did I would defend Lithuania and want Lithuania more. All I could think about was Lithuania and how awesome it would be to be the first on the American side of the program! I even tried flipping a coin but got the same upset reaction if I didn't get Germany or if I didn't get Lithuania. I then decided to make a pro-con chart and then weigh my options from there looking at the programs, countries, language, and culture. I felt as though my heart was telling me Lithuania but my mind was telling me why not both?  I asked my fellow applicants what they would chose and why which was helpful. We discussed it and they even told me that they thought my heart was saying Lithuania (shout out and huge thanks to Megan, Jeremy, and Alexis who were the ones who discussed this with me). I decided to listen to my heart.
    So now the count down begins! I don't know exactly what day I will be leaving but I most likely will be leaving in August. I also have to get a health exam and sign some more papers and of course wait for more emails/information on the program! And of course learn some Lithuanian (and graduate high school). I'm super excited and sort of terrified but I can't wait to see where this takes me! 

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