My day of travel started at the ungodly hour of 2am where I got up, showered, got ready, and took care of last minute things. Also, I had to say goodbye to my pets which I already miss (Love you Tony [my dog] and Gizmo [cavy]). After that we left the house and headed to the airport. I was surprised when I didn't fall asleep in the car, because I was only running on about 1-2 hours of sleep and I always fall asleep in cars. After a short 50 minute drive, we arrived at the airport where i checked in, checked my bag, waited, said goodbye to my dad and sister, and headed through security with my mom. Trying not to cry, I said goodbye to her (who was crying [thanks mom, I still love uou]) and boarded the plane.
On the plane I put in my headphones and let fatigue take over. That only lasted about a hour. Then I alternated between looking out the window, calculating the time left, and reading. After almost 5 hours of travel, I arrived at Dulles in Washington, D.C..
Upon my arrival, I was having a hard time navigating through the airport and finding where to go. I also proved how much the letter Z sounded like B in a loud train while I was trying to find gate B but ended up at Z. Thanks to some help from Emma, I found my way to my gate. There I finally got to meet Emma! We talked some and then our U.S. Coordinator, Skye, came and joined us and talked to us. She collected our paperwork, took our picture, and then sent us off onto our boarding. Once we found our sits we found out that our luggage was too big to fit a certain way into the overhead luggage and had to put them way in the back in empty spot, which caused us to take up more room. We then sat in out sits and talked some more. Takeoff time had past and we still hadn't left. We then kept being told that it would be another 20 minutes 2-3 times. Finally we took off, 1 hour after our initial takeoff time, which I was worried because we only had 1 hour 25mintues originally in Vienna and now we were going to have like 30-40 minutes.
The plane ride was long and I couldn't sleep very well or much. So I watched a few movies and tv shows while trying to pass the time. After our planeride, we landed and had to wait for everyone to get off the plane before we could receive our bags. From there we run through border patrol, security and to our gate. We made it with a few minutes to spare. We then got on a bus and headed out to our plane. It was a propeller plane which scared me at first but was kind of cool in the end. After a short ride we arrived in Vilnius, got our bags and then headed out the Exit door. We didn't know where the customs was but apparently there wasn't one. We found Kevin, one of our coordinators, who took out big bags and headed us to his car. From there we went to a back, had a snack, looked at shoes, got our 'super high-tech €25 phones", and then went to the office for an orientation. It was good but I was falling asleep half the time. After that he took us to our host family houses. We dropped off Emma first and then he took me to mine (which I then started to fall asleep in the car). We arrived I got to finally meet my family! I was so nervous and scared that I didn't want Kevin or Lena to leave but then I started to talk to them I felt a lot better. After dinner, I unpacked, gave them their gifts, showered and headed to bed. That was my first day (and travel) for ya! I'll write more about my first week some other time because this is already quite long...