Sunday, August 16, 2015

The Paths We Take

This is just one of my random posts with some of thoughts, it doesn't really have anything to do with my current exchange other then kind of talking about my high school journey. I may also ramble a little and attempt to be inspirational so I apologize for that.

   In high school and pretty much my whole life people have been asking what I want to do when I grow up or what my plan for college is (you know the drill because everyone gets asked this) and when I answered I always had a straight answer that I was sure I was going to end up doing. In  early middle school I thought I wanted to pursue a career in dance and was looking at dance schools and settled on a school in North Carolina. Then in eighth grade I decided that I wanted to go into physical therapy and started to look into schools for that. After I found out I would need six-eight more years of schooling after high school and I wasn't for that so I decided to look elsewhere in the medical field and settled on radiology and or lab work my freshman year. Completely thinking that my mind was made up I started looking at all the body and medical classes I could take at my high school and learned what I could outside as well. My mind was set.

    The end of freshman year came and my advisor made us draw maps of what we think the rest of the educational life would be like and to make sure we put road blocks in there in case we changed our minds because we didn't know if a summer camp would change our minds on what we wanted to do or if we went on a exchange (and the like). My friends and I laughed at her friends because we thought it was funny that she was questioning our already made up plans and I knew for sure that I would NEVER go on an exchange that would change my mind about going into the medical field. Man, as much as I don't want to admit it, she was right... The summer after that was the one that I spent in Argentina and ended changing my mind about everything.

   I guess what I'm trying to say is that as much as we try to plan ahead, something can always pop up and cause us to change our minds. We may not expect it but it happens and we have no control over the situation that we are now in, we can only go with it, change our minds, and see where in life it takes us.

         And it's always okay to change your mind.

  I may say right now that I want to go into the international field and become a Foreign Service Officer or Ambassador but I could always change my mind to go back to the medical or even environmental field. What I'm trying to say is that it is okay to dream and that it is okay to plan your life ahead but roadblocks, hills, potholes, and flat tires can always bring us down or change our minds (or we could change them on a positive experience as well) and that is okay. If your life was perfectly planned out it would be so boring because you would know exactly what is going to happen, the joy of not knowing what us coming next will be gone, which would personally, in my opinion,  would make life bland. 

   So get out there. See where the world will take you and what it will bring. Take a chance, you just might find our passion. Try what you have been wanting to try nobody is here to stop you, only yourself. If you crash and fall, it's okay because that's life.It's your life so get out there and live it!  Remember that you can't change the past but you can always change your mind and path to do what you enjoy or what you believe you want to do. As long as you're happy, that's all that matters.

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