Thursday, November 5, 2015


Well here we are, it's the night of the 23rd. My bags are packed, I've said many of my goodbyes, and I have to try sleep with all the emotions that are going through me. I would be lying if I say I am  not very nervous, even more so then excited but I know that that's normal and everything will be okay. I just can't believe that now is the time, it seems like just a few days ago I had just gotten my first email with information about the program. I can't believe this is happening!

   I do have a few updates that I don't think I have said but sorry if I have. On Thursday I received my host family and their information. It was a very stressful week (more like month) waiting for it but I have think it was worth it. They seem very amazing and I can't wait to meet them. I will have a host mother, father, 16 year old brother, and a 10 year old sister, (and of course, a Russian blue cat, which is one of my absolute favorite breeds and I really wanted one earlier this year). I also had a few of my classmates from my school, Vilnius International School, reach out to me this week which was both surprising and amazing! I can't wait to meet them! Also, I won't exactly be in Vilnius, I'll be about 14.6 kilometers from it in KlevinÄ—. I think everything will be a great experience and even though I am nervous, I can't wait to get on the plane , meet Emma, and finally go to my host country and meet my host family, classmates, and coordinators. Here's to about 10 hours until departure!

*Sorry this is out of order, this was originally posted on August 23rd however, I tried to fix something and it put it in November? Sorry about that!

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