I was looking on my count down app that I used to count down to the days I had left on coming to Lithuania (it turned into a count up after the 'deadline' passed) and the number of days until my friends in the US graduate which also happens to be the last day of school for my school here. While looking at this realized that I have officially been here more days than the days I have left of school (I'm not going to say overall yet due to the fact that I have no idea what date I am going home but I have a feeling that I have less days left than I've been here as well). This is absolutely terrifying to me because my exchange is halfway completed and I really don't want to think about going home. It really doesn't feel like I have been here for five months (well almost five months, I still have one more day until I've been here officially for five months) and time has really flown by. Actually, reflecting on what time feels like it feels as though I have lived here all my life, life feels completely normal and I've actually kind of forgotten what was normal for me in the US because it feels so normal here. Anyways, as my exchange is halfway completed I believe it is important for me to reflect over the different lessons and things that I have learned here and to share them with you in order to show what sort of life lessons and things that exchange can teach a person.
Public Transport: I thought I'd start out with public transport because it has taught me a lot and I actually haven't really experienced the joy of riding public transport everyday in the US due to the fact that my town doesn't really have public transport (I think we have one bus that goes to the next town over but other than that, nothing). I could actually probably make a whole post on public transport come to think of it. This may or may not be comical and it id meant to be that way.
-If you're early then your bus is likely going to be late, if you're on time then your bus may also be on time but it may have been early (this is highly unlikely but it still happens) but more likely it will be late, however, if you're late then your bus was early or on time. Why? Because screw you. The lesson that this has taught me is to always plan ahead when you plan to use public transport and be prepared to account for your bus being early, on time, or late. Also, you can apply this to every day life by the fact that it's important to be early or on time and to plan ahead in order to get opportunities or have people trust you more.
-There is no such thing as personal space so just deal with the fact that you're likely going to be made into a human sandwich sometimes. This has taught me to get over some of my personal space issues that I've had all my life and to deal with grumpy people who start yelling you at for no real reason other than the fact that your backpack is big. That's another thing, if you have a big bag you're going to have more space so carry a big backpack (I'm half kidding about this but it's true, you will have more space, trust me). It has also taught me to plan my day or social life after school on taking later buses in order to avoid going on these very crowed bus times. However, you just have to deal with it sometimes if you need to go home or get somewhere and that's okay. Just take a deep breath and remember that it will only last however long it takes for you to get where you need to go (or to the stop where the majority of the people get off if that's before your stop).
-Always keep your wallet in a pocket that would make it hard for someone to reach. This is especially important when it comes to traveling during the rush hour when the buses are crowded. When you're sandwiched between people it can be hard to feel someone opening your bag that you won't even notice them opening your bag and taking your wallet. Though I have never had this happen to me and I'm doing all I can to avoid it happening to me, I have been told and warned by my family and friends that it happens and to take precaution (just passing on the message).
-People can be intolerable, rude, upset, annoying, and many more but you shouldn't judge or take it personally because you don't know how their day has been and everybody has bad days. On the bright side you will probably never see them again, they will likely forgot about you, and you will probably forget about them also. Just smile, sigh, and try to be understanding.
-Be assertive and get on the bus, don't be polite and let other people go first because then you will never be able to get on. However, try not to push people because that's rude and they may get upset at you. When the bus comes, run to the front of the mob of people, wait for the people to get off the bus, then get on no matter what. It was very hard for me at first to take that initiative and people would basically push me around in order to get on though I was being polite and allowing them to go first. Also, if you're not on the bus first, you are highly unlikely to get a seat, be able to stand in a spot with space, and are more likely to become a human sandwich. This has also taught me that in everyday life that if I want something I have to take initiative and not wait for other people to something before I do it.
Weather: Though I am from Oregon and the weather in Oregon is also quite bipolar, it seems to be even more so here. Also, I walk around more and use public transport so I'm outside a lot more than in the US. People have told me here that the weather in Lithuania is unpredictable and that it rains a lot. Even the name of the country in Lithuanian, Lietuva has the Lithuanian word for rain in it, lietus.
-The weather report is likely lying, don't trust it and be prepared for anything. There was one time that I checked my weather app to find that there was a 0 percent chance of it raining only to have it start down pouring on my way home from school, Needless to say I didn't have the proper clothing for a down pour and got drenched. Also, it may be warmer or colder than what it says (don't forget about the wind chill like I have multiple times here). It is important to dress for the worst however, I don't always do this because I like to be efficient and not suffer from being too hot (I'm a bad example, sorry). This also teaches that in life not all of the source you have may be correct therefore it is important to be prepared for anything.
People and Communication: Learning how to interact with people who are different from one comes with time and I have definitely learned the importance of communication while I've been here, how hard it can be at times especially with a language barrier, and how to try to make myself better at communicating as well as understanding other people.
-One thing to remember is that you shouldn't judge a person based off of how they act during one event or on just first impressions. Anything could be going on with them and you never know if something is bothering them or them and affecting how they are acting. Therefore, second chances are important and one should try to not judge a person right away. One should get to know that person first and then make their judgement as soon as they have given that person a chance. I learned this from spending time with my class. When I first met everyone I tried to keep an open mind and not judge anyone right away though it was hard. I was frustrated based off the fact that I felt as though they were quite immature and not very considerate to others. However, when I got to know the majority of them, I realized that they are pretty nice and fun to hang out with and or talk to.
-Just because a person can't speak your language, you shouldn't make fun of them or get angry at them, try to understand or find a way to understand. My experience with this is more memorable from my time in Argentina than it is in Lithuania. Getting off the plane and going through customs I was faced with a language barrier. The customs officer was trying to ask me the address that I was staying at but I didn't understand her at all. She then started to get frustrated and yelling at me. News flash, yelling at someone or talking louder doesn't make someone understand you more, it just makes them scared and not understand your intentions even more (as well as make the sleep deprived, slightly already terrified 15 year olds want to cry). Therefore, it is important to not get frustrated at the person and to try to help them to understand.
Cars: This one will be short. Basically I've learned to appreciate the U.S. citizen's ability to drive at the age of 16 as well as my parents being used to (as well as I being used to) driving me to the majority of my events. In Lithuania, one has to be 18 in order to get their licences and I don't believe that many young people around the city drive that much because of public transport. Therefore, I miss being able to drive (though I didn't really), riding with friends, and having access to cars more in general.
Exchange life/last remarks: Overall the exchange life has taught how to live with other people who don't speak my language as their first and who may be different from me, how to handle myself and actions that I take and to be responsible for them, how to deal with people in general that don't speak my language and how to try to communicate better with them without getting upset or frustrated, how to have the confidence to ask for help, favors, or for something in general, to take initiative, and I'm sure many more. These last five months have been both the hardest and most enjoyable/memorable of my life so far. I'm so glad to of had the opportunity to have grown this much through an exchange opportunity in only five months. I'm excited to see what the next five months bring as well as the lessons that I will learn and to be able to reflect again on my exchange year overall!
*If you have any questions about the lessons that I have learned and or want to learn more about how you can grow as a person through an exchange opportunity, feel free to contact me.
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