First off, I just want to brag that I have survived my first month here! But it also makes me sad because that means my exchange is almost halfway over... But I got to make it count!
Back to what I was actually going to talk about, about two weeks ago I went back to Buenos Aires, the capital of Argentina with my class. The bus left at midnight on a Wednesday and was a little longer than 7 hours. They wanted or the idea was for us to sleep on the ride there so we could have the full day to do stuff. I thought that was pretty smart, except the fact that nobody really wanted to sleep until like 2-3 am! I got to sit by one of Flor's good friends and have the window seat which was very nice. Everyone wanted to ask me questions so I was literally forced to talk to everyone. A few guys decided that they wanted to take selfies and then they wanted to take selfies with me. Which was okay but that meant like half the people on the bus ended up surrounding me which was a little uncomfortable but I went with it. Being uncomfortable is normal for an exchange student and you learn to deal with it and some even end up feeling more comfortable when they are uncomfortable (if that makes any sense). My friend got up and a guy sat next me, which was okay I thought, they were still taking selfies and I was talking with two girls in the sit in front of me. Well it ends up when a guy sits next to you like that it means they want something and the guy tries to kiss me, twice. I stopped him both times and ended up leaving and my friend sat next to me again feeling really bad. (Ends up some of the guys payed him to do that, thanks guys.) Then after teaching me some spanish, a song that they sing randomly all the time, and asking me to say their names, they finally decided to leave me and try to catch some z's. I didn't really sleep because I just don't. When I travel it's impossible for me to fully fall asleep. I like half sleep where my eyes are shut but I don't fully loss consinousiness and can still hear everything (I know this because I listen to music when I travel and can still fully hear the songs).
Around 8 am we arrived at our hotel in Buenos Aires and dropped our stuff. Then we got back onto the bus and went to a museum. After they we went to a science museum then to a mall to have some lunch. I accidentally grabbed a water with gas instead of one without and was kinda shaking it as I waited for my food. In the end it exploded all over me when I went to open it with my food. That wasn't fun. After that we went to a cementery and then to the hotel.
The hotel room was like a dorm room with bunk beds and cubbies for us to put our stuff in. It ended up some random person also had a key to our room and had been living in there for a couple days. Oh and there was one bathroom for 6-7 girls. (One of the friends wasn't placed in our room but she stayed there anyways). After that we just chilled and hang out. Then we went to the bar/stand up comedy for dinner. Which was where I ended running into the pole in front of a lot of the guys. After that we went back to the hotel. On the bus the guys kept inviting me to go to a party in their room but I was too tired and really wanted to go bed so I didn't go. Flor, Sofi, and another girl ended up going. I ended up not going to bed until like 2:30am and we had to get up "early" again in the morning. Flor ended up coming back to grab something and the guys followed her in turning on the lights and waking us all up. Then some tried to hide in our cubbies but Flor caught them and they left us in peace.
The next day we went to a channel studio and then to a radio station later. Both were amazing and were really great to see. The class is studying communication so that was part of the point of the trip. (I think we did something else but I really don't remember). The school even gave us a second breakfast which consisted of an alfajores and soda. My school in the USA would NEVER give us this like at all. Crazy stuff happened, we we're split in half because the radio station couldn't take all 60 of us and I went in the first group. The guys were trying to kick a soda into a garbage can that was right next to me. One of them even got out an aerosol can and a lighter... You can imagine what happened next.
After this they took us to another mall to do some shopping and eat something before we got back on the bus and headed back home to Necochea. The bus ride home was very uneventful, I got to sit by myself in the very back of the bus so I could lay down and not worry about kitting someone. It was long but I once again half-slept the whole time. We arrived back in Necochea at 6 am and all went home. I'm pretty sure we all went start to bed.
I didn't know a lot of people when the trip happened as it was only my second week being here and going to school. But it was totally worth it. For a while before, I didn't really like the people. Not like as a person but in general I didn't want to be around them. Flor would have friends over and all I'd want them to do was leave. At the end if the trip I realized that I didn't want it to end and I really wanted to be around my classmates! Most of all I wanted to try to make friends with more people and try to understand more. I wanted people to come over, I wanted to go meet people in the park, I wanted to ride bikes or roller blade or even just walk with people. Thank goodness for this as without this I would be very miserable no matter how much I try not to be.
Being an exchange student is WAY harder than what people think but in the end, the struggles will be totally worth it.