Thursday, July 24, 2014

The Food

  Okay, we all knew this post would come soon. I'm in love with most of the food here. For those of you who don't know me, I am a pretty picky eater, not as bad as past years, but still. I don't like certain textures of food, which mostly all fall into the fruit category. I can't stand it and makes me want to throw up (I even get the feeling of throwing up). But while on exchange,  I decided to really try to put that aside and try most things.... I tried fruit. Well I tried apples (which I do sometimes eat at home) a pear and a banana. I have drunken a lot of juice while here and really love it too! Fruit isn't bad tasting to me, it's literally just the texture.   
  The way the meat is cooked here is really amazing. There's no spices and if there is, it's salt. My family sometimes cooks our meat in the fireplace too! Just cover burning coals and smoke. Oh so good. Chicken is sometimes cooked like that too.
My host mom comes from an Italian heritage,  so all the food she makes is very Italian as well. Argentina itself, or at least the places I've been are very European. (Which makes sense as when everyone was migrating, the US didn't have tue most immigrants,  it was actually Argentina that had the most [thank you AP European History for actually teaching me something]). So anyways, we eat a lot of pasta and Italian food. The bread is also amazing.
  Dulce de leche, which is like caramel, is another amazing thing here.  it is used as a spread as well as a filling for most pastries. Alfajores, are a sugary bread thing covered in either chocolate or a white powdery sugar with dulce de leche in the middle. They are my loves. The pastries ate amazing here as well. Did you know that churros actually are from Argentina?  Yup they are my friends. Empanadas are also my life and something I'm really going to miss.
   Okay, sorry to say this but Hershey sucks. The chocolate is disgusting and chocolate here is way better. There's kinder (from the makers of  Nutella), Colfer, Milka, all these amazing ones! They are soooo good and I'm determined to find them in the US.
   Finally, mate.  Mate is a traditional drink that basically a open tea bag and drunken throw a straw and shared with your "mate" (you're punny Karissa!) It's super good and I'm bringing it back with me!
   Overall the food is amazing and I'm going to miss it sooo much!

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