Tuesday, July 15, 2014

World Cup

  Being in Argentina during the 2014 FIFA World Cup has been an amazing experience I am so happy to have experienced. The passion of this country is truly something. Every time Argentina won a game there would parties. Parties everywhere. Cars would line up on the streets and honk, people would sing and everything was crazy! But it was so nice to experience something that could bring literally all kinds of people together. The USA we literally have NO passion. We could care less about the World Cup as a whole and that goes for just about everything. We have the Fourth of July and all our holidays but nothing truly compares to the passion here.

Still got that Argentina pride! This was after the final match. When we well lost...

   Though Argentina didn't win, I was so happy to experience this wonderful opportunity and had a great time watching all the games. But hey! We still did better than Brazil! (No hate to Brazil [sorry Kari!] but it's a joke with my classmates and basically all of Argentjna, it has to do with a song that we sing that basically asks Brazil how does it feel to have us in the house of their fathers [not direct translation! I'm sorry!] so that's why it makes me laugh.
     Overall, it has been a great experience and I truly do love it here. I can't imagine my life at home and I already don't want to go home. I am still struggling a lot with the language, I understand about half if what people are saying but I still can't speak confidently with people. Which this may be explained in another post. Well that's all for now!

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