*my tablet is working again! So this was one of the post I made but my tablet wouldn't post, there was another one but it didn't save therefore it's completely gone. I may or may not retype it I think it was on my flight and arrival here but I'm not sure.
Wow, it has been a really long time since I posted last. So on May 17th I had my final orientation with my district. It wasn't as fun as I thought it would be, we literally just picked up our business cards, polo shirts, and we had a seminar to go over any questions. It was kind of boring come to think of it. But oh well, at least we got to eat with the long terms.
After that I started the wonderful job of packing. This took about 20 days. The first ten I just stared at my suitcase, took suitcase selfies (I'm not kidding literally sat in my suitcase and took selfies) and then made a huge pile of stuff on top of the suitcase. Then after that it just sat there for a few days and then put stuff in my suitcase. After unpacking and repacking like 3 times literally until the night before I left I finally decided that it was good. I really don't like packing...
Anyways, after many months of waiting the time had finally come. I left very early this morning and am now "enjoying" my 6 hour layover at Dallas Fort Worth airport! This morning I had to be at the airport by 4:50 am. I literally got about 1 1/2 hours of sleep last night. Then at 7:30 my first international flight will leave and I will be on my final way to Argentina.
I cant believe how quickly this snuck up on me. Sure I've been waiting and waiting for this but it's all happening very fast! It seems like yesterday I was 50 days from departure and now I am on my way!
Well, that's pretty much all that has happened this past month besides finals which all went pretty good, I believe I have kept my 4.0 for another year! Which I am very proud of and am crossings my fingers for one class. According to our grading website I have all A's but we will see.
I can't wait to finally arrive! Yes I'm very scared but I know all will be alright!
P.S. sorry for any spelling errors or crap like that, I'm typing on my tablet and I can't type on it to save my life! I'll try to fix the errors but it depends on what I catch. Thank you for understanding!
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