The classes consist of geography, English, politics, history, literature, chemistry, math, and a few communication based classes. (My classmates are studying communication, there is another class studying science as well). The teachers come to you, so you never leave the classroom and school ends at different times each now as you have different classes each day. Each class is one hour long and you have a 10 minute break in between each class session. Sometimes you'll have two sessions of a class but you still get that break which is super nice.
The breaks are crazy, the kids can literally do whatever they want. They throw desks, play fútbol, and socialize. You can go get a snack and walk around the school. When you bell rings, it's more like a heads up that the break is over and you don't have to be in the classroom at all. The teachers sometimes don't even come until 10 minutes after the bell rings anyways so yeah. Homework does exist but they don't get as much as I do at my school.
The grading system is all numbers and range from 1-10 with 1 being really bad and 10 being excellent. 7+ is passing. They do trimester and your score needs to be over 21 points in order to pass that class and not have to take summer school or whatnot.
School does matter here but not as much. You don't have to have decent grades to go to university, in fact you can fail a lot of classes and still go! The universities just want your money basically so they don't care about much stuff.
The teachers sometimes decide to not go to school and teach the class so it's normal to have random days off of school. If a teacher doesn't come to teach then you go home, there is no such thing as subs here.
I really don't know which school I like better both are really different but I like them both. Argentine school is really nice as it is super different from our and I love the change, but the United States I can chose all my classes and whatnot. Both have there pros and cons but doesn't everything?
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